Our Daycare Services

Our Day Care Program operates year round, Monday through Friday from 6:30a.m. to 6:00 p.m.  We strive to meet the needs of working parents while offering an excellent learning foundation for children from two weeks to twelve years of age.

Infant and Toddler Care

The infant program is available for children two weeks to twelve months. The toddler program is available for children who are twelve months and walking through the age of two. Emphasis is placed on sensory-motor, large motor, self-help, and language skills.

2-3 and 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 year-old care

The children in these programs are exposed to various learning experiences that will help develop their social skills of sharing, turn taking cooperating, and helping others. Each day children participate in dramatic play, fine motor and large motor activities. Developmentally appropriate skills and concepts are reinforced during a teacher-directed activity each day.

3-4 and 4-5 year-old classes

These programs concentrate on developing your child’s gross and fine motor skills, self-help and intellectual abilities. Socialization is encouraged during dramatic play and free choice play each day. Kindergarten readiness activities, such as cutting skills, writing skills, and shape, number and letter recognition are taught in small structured groups

Before and after school care

We offer before and after school care and transportation for children from Kindergarten through the Fifth Grade.